What is your first name?
To what email address should I reply back to you?
Are you a man or a woman?
How old are you (your closest birthday-ex. 59 yrs, 7 mos = 60)?
Where do you live (town/city and state)? If you have a second home, where is that?
What is your marital status?
Never married/partnered
If you do not have a spouse or partner, answer NA. If you do, what is his or her first name, and how old is he or she?
How do you consider your finances?
It's just me and my personal accounts
My spouse/partner and I consider both of our individual accounts to be part of "one big pot of money"
My spouse/partner and I keep our finances separate
Which most closely matches your employment status?
I am NOT retired and still work full-time
I am NOT retired and work part-time
I AM retired and do not work at all
I AM retired but work part-time
If you are retired, answer NA. If you are still working, two answers, please: what is your annual income, and for how much longer do you think you will work?
What do/did you do to make a living? What is or was your job?
If you do not have a spouse or partner, answer NA. If you do, using the terms and the information asked in the prior two questions, please give me that information about your spouse's or partner's employment status and income.
Have you claimed Social Security yet?
Has your spouse or partner claimed Social Security yet?
I don't have a spouse or partner
APPROXIMATELY how much do you have in liquid investment accounts (one total number, the sum of your account amounts including brokerage, IRA, and others, without counting real estate equity or business equity)? If you and your spouse have "one big pot," please write the total number.
At what company are your investments held now?
Will you receive a large inheritance (one that will significantly improve your financial security)?
Yes, I and/or my spouse will
How well do you understand your current investments and financial plan?
I know and understand both well
I understand one, but not really the other
I don't really understand either and admit I'm taking it on faith that I'm doing things right
How well do you WANT TO understand your current investments and financial plan?
Not much at all-I just want to know I'll be ok and that my best interest is served
I would like to understand the basics, but not every single rhyme or reason for each part
I would like to understand in-depth
Which best describes your approach to watching your investments?
I watch them like a hawk, checking at least every week if not every day
I look at my monthly or quarterly statements, but not more than that
I don't watch them at all
Which best describes your investing emotions?
I get stressed out when I know my accounts are down
I don't get stressed out when I know my accounts are down
I purposely don't look so I won't know when my accounts are down so I won't get stressed out
Which do you think is smarter and more likely to lead to success?
Putting a financial plan in place, then watching it like a hawk, always doing investment research, always looking for investing opportunities, always making changes as markets change
Putting a financial plan in place, then persisting with it, staying the course, never doing additional investment research, never looking for other investing opportunities, and only making infrequent and minor adjustments to it
Which most appeals to you?
Spending every dollar and bouncing the last check
Enjoying a nice lifestyle and leaving money behind
Sacrificing lifestyle in order to leave more money behind
Stolen IQ Test question: what color was George Washington's white horse?
I need one more hint
How "sold" are you on having a financial advisor? Pick the closest answer.
0%-I will almost surely continue to do handle my own financial affairs
25%-I've thought about it but continue to wonder if it's worth it and probably won't "get there"
50%-Part of me feels like I should have one, part of me wonders if it'd be worth it
75%-I am strongly leaning towards hiring one because my gut tells me it'd be worth it
100%-I definitely do NOT want to handle my own financial affairs
Are you currently working with a financial advisor? If so, what company? If so, how does your advisor charge you?
What type of financial advisor is your current one?
I don't have a current advisor
Broker or Registered Representative of a Broker
Bank representative
Life insurance company representative or a life insurance agent
Registered Investment Advisor
A combination of some of the above types
I really don't know what type of financial advisor mine is
Does your current advisor have a fiduciary obligation to you?
I don't have a current advisor
I don't know
I don't know AND I don't know what fiduciary really means
How do you handle your income taxes?
I do them myself and enjoy doing them
I do them myself and don't enjoy doing them
I pay a tax-preparer who IS NOT my current financial advisor to do them
I pay a tax-preparer who IS my current financial advisor to do them
Which investment philosophy do you think is better?
Active investing
Passive investing
I don't know the difference
I know the difference and think each deserves a participation trophy
What are your thoughts on my fee structure?
I don't understand how it's different than other advisors' fees
I would prefer to pay a percentage of my investments as other advisors charge
I like it and think it makes sense for me and for you
Would you be comfortable working "virtually," using the telephone, email, and or video to communicate?
Yes, definitely
I'm not sure but am open to trying
No-I must meet face-to-face with my financial advisor
How likely is it that you will hire a financial advisor, or a new financial advisor, within the next 6 or so months? Pick the closest answer.
Very unlikely
Not likely
Very likely
What are you hoping I can do for you?
How did you come across me? (Did you attend a workshop with me? Have a friend or family member who works with me? Get referred by someone online or on a podcast? Some other way?) Please let me know.
Which choice below best represents your current thoughts about how likely you think it is that you will ask me to be your advisor?
I don't know yet. You're one of several I'm interviewing and you seem like the others.
I've read your website and I think you're what I'm looking for.
I've read your website and I know you're what I'm looking for. Will you take me?
What question have I not asked that you wish I had in order to understand you well? And what is its answer?
Tell me one thing (or more) that not everyone could say. Just one...but more are encouraged. (For example, two easy ones for me are: I was born and raised in New Jersey and I played baseball in college.)